Ode to Tara
Tara came into our life in 2017 in the process of a deep, transformative personal initiation.
Here you can listen here to the story behind our name.
Backing track: Unlocking the Beyond by Steven Vrancken
Who is Tara?
“The Great Goddess appeared in many different cultures throughout the ancient world. Known by many names, she was multifaceted and manifested in a variety of forms to satisfy the various needs of the peoples who called upon her wisdom and compassion. In the Near East she was worshiped as Innana, Tiamat, Ishtar, and Astarte. In Egypt she was venerated as as Isis, Hathor, Neith, nad Maat. In Greece she was revered as Demeter, Hera, Artemis and Aphrodite. In the Far East she was known as Shakti, Adati, and Durga in India, Tara in Tibet, and Kwan Yin in China and Japan. This feminine deity later evolved into the Virgin Mary, Sophia, and the Shekinah of Christian and Judaic cultures. “
Mysteries of The Dark Moon, Demetra George
In Tibetan Buddhism, Tara is the Goddess of Wisdom and Endless Compassion. One of the most important aspects of Tara is her immediate action in difficult times. As a Saviour and Protector, She is invoked in times of disease, fear, danger, pandemic, inundation, catastrophe and war.
The name Tara comes from the Sanskrit root “tr”, which means “to cross” or “to bring across”. It refers to Tara as a helper to overcome a difficult situation. It is also believed that the name Tara comes from the Sanskrit “taraka”, which means “star”. Tara is the star or light that guides us through every challenging situation and emergency. “Tr” is also present in “Tree”, the English word for tree. The trees can use our help. And maybe… by giving our moonblood to the trees, they also help us across a difficult situation…
These paragraphs are created with special thanks to Antoaneta Gotea from Hridaya Yoga in France.

Tara’s powerful mantra
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha
There is a very beautiful and powerful mantra for the Goddess Tara that we highly recommend you to recite during your ritual of offering your moonblood. A mantra is a sequence of special sounds and vibrations that are repeated to purify and heal space, body, mind and consciousness with divine energy. “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soham” is an ancient sacred formula that calls upon the compassionate energy of Tara. If you bring your awareness to the meaning of the words, the mantra becomes even stronger.
What is a mantra?
A mantra is a sequence of special sounds and vibrations that are repeated to purify and heal space, body, mind and consciousness with divine energy. “Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soham” is an ancient sacred formula that calls upon the powerful energy of Tara. If you bring your awareness to the meaning of the words, the mantra becomes even stronger.
What does this Tara mantra mean?
Here is the meaning of the Tara mantra, in the words of Bernagchen Rangjung Gyalmo:
Om is the sacred sound that represents the entire universe, past, present and future. Tare/Tara is she who saves from suffering and danger.
Tuttare means protection.
Ture brings fulfillment to the spiritual path by developing all the positive qualities and purifying all our negativities.
Soha translates as “so be it”, “may it be so” or “may a blessing be upon”.
Here are versions of the Tara Mantra to inspire you
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