When you are able

To make two become one,

The inside like the outside,

And the outside like the inside

The higher like the lower,

So that a man is no longer male,

And a woman, female,

But male and female become one single whole

– then you shall enter.

Logion 22 from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene Circles

Online for womxn, 14-15-21-22 July, 2024

@20h CEST/19h BST/11h PDT/12h MDT/14h EDT/21h EEST

Are you longing to

heal the wounded feminine and the wounded masculine imprints inside of you? 

embody the divine feminine/masculine, both within and without?

lay the foundation for healthy, nourishing relationships?

clear the obstacles on the path to sacred se*x*uality and sacred union?

awaken the full potential of your womb/hara?

let go of limiting ego patterns?

reconnect to the wisdom of your soul?

deepen your connection with Mary Magdalene?



The Mary Magdalene Circles focus on healing the wounded masculine and feminine imprints inside of us so that we can lay the foundation for sacred union. Mary Magdalene is our guide.  

Healing our masculine and feminine wounds

The Mary Magdalene Circles offer a safe and transformative online space where you can heal feminine wounds and clear distorted masculine imprints, both personal and collective. Removing these obstacles, you make space again for the pure/divine feminine and masculine energies, your original essence. You prepare yourself for sacred union: the optimal interaction between the masculine and feminine, both within yourself as in your relationships with your beloved(s) and the world. 

Our guide Mary Magdalene

There is no better and more loving guide for this “Great Work” than Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene’s role in the quest for sacred union extends beyond her historical portrayal in biblical texts. She is revered as a spiritual guide who helps individuals navigate their own inner landscapes, integrating the feminine and masculine aspects of their being. Through her example of perseverance, compassion, and spiritual insight, she inspires seekers to embrace their own inner union and to cultivate balance and harmony in their lives.

Inner alchemy

The teachings associated with Mary Magdalene and sacred union emphasize the importance of inner alchemy and self-discovery. By delving deep into the psyche and embracing all aspects of the self, you can awaken to your true essence and experience the transformative power of sacred union. This journey involves healing past wounds, releasing limiting beliefs, and opening your womb/hara and heart to the infinite possibilities of divine love. 

Energetic and intuitive

Our healing work is energetic and intuitive. The modalities we work with are: ancient mystery teachings, energetic healing, guided meditation, shamanic journeying, ritual, dance, song and mantra. This work does not involve sexual touch and no nakedness. 

Ancient wisdom

We embark on a profound healing quest inspired by modern research and ancient wisdom traditions such as gnostic, Taoist and Egyptian alchemy, shamanism and Goddess tradition.

Join us

Join us on this unforgettable journey, where ancient legends come to life, and the teachings of Mary Magdalene guide you on a path of deep spiritual awakening and profound inner transformation.


Hello, my name is Mieke Anthuenis (1972). I am a womb awakening teacher, shamanic womb healer and priestess, menstrual mentor and yoni steam facilitator. My life is dedicated to birthing the new earth and bringing back ancient feminine wisdom, healing arts and spirituality. Since 2005, I have been walking a shamanic path with strong influence from my time in Peru and Colombia and the teachers I met there. I am trained in core shamanism (Michael Harner) and womb shamanism (Fountain of Life, Sanctuary of Sofia and Sacred Woman Awakening). Since 2018, I work as a Moon Mother (level 3) and Vaginal Steam facilitator (Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute). With a background in shiatsu and tuina, I seek to bring in the rich and old eastern view on womxn’s well-being. In my retreats and 1-on-1 sessions, I blend these modalities together, based on the needs of the client, to facilitate a deep and safe space for healing and transformation. I work with persons in all seasons of their life, with or without a womb, with or without a period. I am co-author of the best-selling book Return To the Motherworld and run retreats and pilgrimages in the legendary Cathar region in the South of France. 

I am truly honored to connect with you.