Elfi’s ritual

Second journey

Elfi went to the lake, she was a bit scared, because she was called to dive under there. A bloody red monster came up in the middle of the lake. It looked sad, complaining about the lack of trust of WoMen in their own blood power. Elfi dived into the lake and found a hut, where  she met the old woman again. Elfi sat beside her and she sent her into dreamtime.

She saw women sitting in a circle wearing white, red and black clothes. Elfi was one of them. Women who were not menstruating, men and children were building an outer circle beating the drum. Elfi and the other women danced in the middle, forming patterns and signs. They danced and became flames, a burning fire, blazing up to the sky.

Third journey

Elfi was at the lake again. She laid down and looked inside. She feld transparent.

Another woman came to her, she came with a lot of snakes. The snakes were crawling up and down her body. So many different snakes, because she was called the snake woman. Elfi witnessed the woman and the snakes slowly coming closer. Elfi didn’t move while the snakes were crawling over and under her, sniffing and smelling her.

The snake woman took Elfi into her arms and carried her to her home. Her blood was like a river behind her, merging into the lake. They reached a cave, the woman entered and placed Elfi into a bed. There was a giant snake curled up. At the beginning the snake woman was a young girl, slowly she changed into an old woman. The snakes crawled over Elfi, inside of her and up her back. Elfi was getting hot, felt the waves of their movement and became a snake herself. 

Elfi moved in the rhythm of the snakes and the woman massaged her back in a quite strong way. The snakes crawled in circles around Elfi. Afterwards she was brought back to the red lake.

Artwork by Ariel Spilsbury

Fourth journey

It was springtime, the trees were flowering everywhere around. It was night, dark, Elfi was wearing a black dress and a black headdress with black pearls. She was going through rocky corridors with an offering bowl in her hands. She arrived in a bigger place with the altar of death. Elfi offered her thanks to a great force. She placed her bowl at the altar. She was filled with awe, regard and respect. She stood there for a while. Then she saw the stars in the sky and found herself outside.

The red woman was there, the white woman was there and the black woman was there. Elfi was all of them in one person. They built a chalice through which the earthmother was flowing and all her creative force.

The chalice started to grow, because more and more women joined. They stood there together for a long while, creation flowing through them, they were earth mothers. They bowed their hands to the sky. Elfi went back to the temple of death. In a bowl she placed her moonblood to the altar and left home. She left the cave and was protected by moon woman.

Thank you Elfi for your beautiful stories.

With love,
Red Tara Tree team

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