Come home to your womb
With womb we mean the uterus, ovaries
and vagina in persons with a female biology.
WoMen who had a hysterectomy and no longer have a physical womb,
can still much connect to the energetic womb space, that is as powerful.)
For thousands of years, the womb has been forgotten and misused, treated only as the organ that births children and that delivers ‘unclean’ and ‘cursed’ functions such as menstruation and menopause. In religion, the womb is demonized as the seat of feminine sexuality and thus sin. A perfect strategy to disempower women.
Luckily, the womb made a huge comeback in the last decade. She is again seen as the temple that has the breathtaking capacity of gestating and birthing life. Even if you never had children yourself, this potential to create life from scratch is absolutely astonishing and sacred. Through our belly, spirit comes into matter. This creative principle also applies to projects, dreams, desires. Everything is born from the womb.
In pre-patriarchal wisdom traditions, the womb was revered as a Holy Grail. A magical doorway between spirit and matter. The seat of the soul. The innate connection with Mother Earth and with the Cosmos. The Moon palace. The root of the life force. The living temple that breathes with the rhythms of life, death and rebirth.
In our womb resides our essence, our creativity, our vitality, our intuition, our mitochondrial memory, our deepest emotions, our potential to experience sacred sexuality.
It is of major importance for our general well-being and health that we take care of our womb. In these busy, modern times, very often we are disconnected from the womb. With all the consequences: pms, menstrual imbalances, emotional suffering, hormonal unbalance, feelings of unworthiness, menopausal distress, depression, infertility, dis-ease.
Are you looking to heal and awaken your womb?
Red Tara Tree organizes a truly, transformative live Womb Awakening and Womb Healing Retreat in the stunning Cathar region in the South of France in April 2024.
Mieke, founder of Red Tara Tree, is trained as womb awakening facilitator, vaginal steam therapist and womb healer. Don’t hesitate to book a one-on-one session.
“I have witnessed incredible results when WoMen start to heal and reconnect to their womb. WoMen who love their yoni* love themselves. They know what they want to create, they know their boundaries, they know their mission. I wish that for everybody.”
*yoni = sanskrit for vagina, vulva, cervix, ovaries and uterus)