January 2025: Ancient Herstory and Ancestral Healing – Online course

Embark on a transformative exploration into the depths of Ancient Herstory, a groundbreaking online course that unveils the rich tapestry of history through a profound feminine lens. Delve into the untold narratives, the silenced voices, and the hidden wisdom passed down through generations in the wombs of our ancestors. This course invites you to heal, restore, and awaken, as we navigate the intricate realms of feminine lineage and ancestral healing.

Course Highlights:

Feminine Perspective Unveiled: Unravel the layers of history from a feminine perspective, shedding light on the often-overlooked stories of strength, resilience, and wisdom that have shaped our ancestral lineage.

Emotional Alchemy: Clear the emotional wounds etched into the fabric of our ancestral motherline. Through guided processes and immersive practices, learn to transmute pain into empowerment, transforming the echoes of suffering into a source of profound wisdom.

Ancestral Lineage Healing: Engage in rituals and practices designed to heal the wounds carried by your ancestors. Through intention and compassion, become a conduit for healing that transcends generations, creating a ripple effect of positive transformation.

Collective Shadow Work: Address the collective shadows of feminine trauma and the enduring impact of patriarchal structures. Learn to navigate and heal the collective wounds that have shaped our societal narratives, fostering a sense of unity and empowerment.

Restoring the Feminine Blueprint: Discover and revive the essence of the original feminine blueprint that has been obscured by the passage of time. Reconnect with the inherent power and intuition that resides within, guiding you towards authenticity and self-discovery.

Join us as we embark on this sacred journey of rediscovery. Reclaim the narratives that have been lost to time, heal the wounds that echo through the generations, and emerge empowered, connected, and aligned with the timeless wisdom of Ancient Herstory.

Step into the legacy of your feminine ancestry and contribute to the healing of the collective feminine soul. Through understanding, compassion, and healing practices, contribute to the collective healing of ancestral wounds. The time for reclaiming Ancient Herstory is now.

During the month of January ’25,

you receive:

Weekly audio and/or video material


1 live webinar with Q&A and ceremony

Livelong access

This online course can also be followed as part of the “13 Moon Womb Priestess Training”

Hi there, I am Mieke Anthuenis (1972). I am a shamanic womb priestess, healer, and menstrual mentor, devoted to the sacred feminine, the way of the soul and birthing the new earth. Since 2005, I walk a mystic and shamanic healing path with strong influence from my time in Peru and Colombia and the teachers I met there, both in human, plant and spirit form. With a background in shiatsu and tuina, I seek to bring in the rich and old eastern view on womxn’s well-being. In 2017, I founded (former) Moving Inside, dedicated to feminine spirituality and holistic-natural sources for women’s health and empowerment, such as womb steaming, ritual bathing and herbal sweat lodge. Those are still the red thread in my current work. In 2020 I started Red Tara Tree to reclaim the sacredness of the red path of women: the mysteries of menstruation, se*x*uality, menopause, birth and death. Since 2023, I organize spiritual pilgrimages in the South of France. Some of my trainings are: wisdom keeper of the womb, moon mother, vaginal steam therapist, tuina therapist, shamanic counselor, conscious dance facilitator, sweat lodge facilitator… In the field of the feminine, I studied with: Seren & Azra Bertrand, Miranda Gray, Leyolah Antara, Diana Beaulieu, Keli Garza, Leontine Hartzell oa…

I am truly honored to connect with you. xxx